
Join us this summer to ANEIS - Applied Neurosciences EBRAINS- Italy School: Linking Neurotechnology to Clinics, for an intensive exploration of the cutting-edge topics in neuroscience. Our program offers an immersive experience to the participants in the forefront of neuroscience research and its applications, covering a broad range of themes, including theoretical, computational, and systems neuroscience, data analysis, neuroinformatics, and clinical applications. In the surroundings of the peaceful and picturesque Ventotene island, you will engage with leading experts, participate in hands- on sessions, and expand your network with experts in the field. Whether you are a student, researcher, or practitioner, this program will provide you with valuable knowledge and skills to advance your expertise in neuroscience.


  • Theoretical Neuroscience: modeling biophysics and electrophysiology, from single neurons to brain networks.
  • Computational Neuroscience: design, implementation, and numerical simulations of both theory- and data-inspired models.
  • Systems Neuroscience: analysis of biological data from humans and animal models, with a special focus on data pre-processing and production for paradigmatic experiments.
  • Data Analysis: introduction to dynamical systems approaches, machine learning techniques, graph theory and advanced statistical methods for neural time series.
  • Clinical Applications: case studies on neural modulation, exploring physical interventions and the impact of chemical perturbations.

We look forward to welcoming you!


Monday 09/09/24
  • Morning: Arrival of the delegates and welcome
  • Afternoon: Neurobiology lectures
    • 17.00: Mavi Sanchez-Vives
    • 18.00: Coffee break
    • 18.30: Andrea D'Avella
    • 19.30: Antonino Cattaneo
Tuesday 10/09/24
  • Morning: Hands-on Projects (9:00 - 13:00)
  • Afternoon: Neuroinformatics/Computational Neuroscience lectures
    • 15.30: Michele Giugliano
    • 16.45: Coffee break
    • 17.15: Giancarlo La Camera
    • 18.30: Michele Migliore
Wedsnesday 11/09/24
  • Morning: Theoretical/Computational Neuroscience
    • 10.00: Gianluigi Mongillo
    • 11.15: Coffee break
    • 11.45: Alessandro Treves
  • Afternoon: sail boats trip!

Thursday 12/09/24
  • Morning: Hands-on Projects (9:30 - 13:00)
  • Afternoon: Data analysis/ Neuroinformatics
    • 14.30: Alberto Mazzoni
    • 15.45: Coffee break
    • 16.00: Maurizio Mattia
    • 17.15: Wulfram Gerstner
Friday 13/09/24
  • Morning: Hands-on Projects (9:30 - 13:00)
  • Afternoon: Clinical neuroscience
    • 14.30: Giacomo Koch
    • 15.45: Coffee break
    • 16.00: Pierpaolo Sorrentino
    • 17.15: Pietro Avanzini
Saturday 14/09/24
  • Morning (9:00 - 11:00)
    • Presentation of projects!
    • Concluding remarks


  • mavi Mavi Sanchez-Vives (IDIBAPS)
  • gerstner Wulfram Gerstner (EPFL)
  • migliore Michele Migliore (CNR IBF)
  • lacamera Giancarlo La Camera (Stony Brook University)
  • mongillo Gianluigi Mongillo (CNRS)
  • Andrea D'Avella (UNIME)
  • Antonino Cattaneo (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
  • Alessandro Treves (SISSA)
  • Alberto Mazzoni (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna)
  • Giacomo Koch (UNIFE)
  • Pierpaolo Sorrentino (UNISS)
  • Pietro Avanzini (CNR)


  • giugliano Michele Giugliano (UNIMORE)
  • ferraina Stefano Ferraina (UNIROMA1)
  • mapelli Jonathan Mapelli (UNIMORE)
  • mattia Maurizio Mattia (ISS)


Deadline for registration: July 30

Register using the Google FORM

You will need:

  • A raccomandation letter written by a senior resercher
  • Your CV, including a short summmary of it (max 500 words)
  • A motivational letter where you explain why you are intersted to take part at the ANEIS School and why you should be chosen (max one A4 page text 10 pt)
  • Registration fee: 300 €

    The registration fee will include:

  • Accomodation in the island
  • Lunch (dinner not included)
  • Social dinner
  • Touristic boat trip!
  • Travel expenses are NOT included


    How to Reach Ventotene Island

    Ventotene can be reached by boat from Formia with at least two connections per day. The boat schedule can be checked on the website

    Travelling to Formia

    1. By TRAIN
    2. By PLANE to Rome or Naples, then train or taxi to Formia
      • taxi
        Mr. Bruno Valerio (333-3560985) offers a car rental service with driver to and from the airports of Rome and Naples.
      • Transfer to train station
        • From Rome Fiumicino airport: Leonardo Express train to Roma Termini
        • From Rome Ciampino airport: shuttle bus to Roma Termini station
        • From Naples airport: Alibus bus to Piazza Garibaldi station
    3. By CAR
      It is suggested to park your car in Formia and take the boat
      • Covered parking
        The service costs €10-12 per day. Contact Mr. Gilberto Bartolomeo: 388-4256478 – 334-9992512.
      • Open parking
        The service costs €8 per day. Contact Parcheggio Portuense: 339-8188257.

    Hands-on Projects

    1. Motor planning decoding in NHP
    2. Inferring RNN models matching data
    3. Inferring single-cell parametres from electrophysiological traces
    4. Reconstruction of network from anatomical imaging